vineri, 26 februarie 2016

" 5 to 10 " - With Andrea Torrei (Italy)

From 5 Questions to 10 Photos !

Interview Series by PhotoTeam

Q1: When did you fall in love with street photography?
 Cand te-ai indragostit de fotografia de strada?

My love affair with street photography goes back to a trip to New York City in the fall 2014. Since then, I can’t live without it. I find street photography the most intriguing and challenging genre in photography: walking the streets out the so called “comfort zone” and getting close to people and involved with the environment is a thrilling experience and very rewarding.

Afectiunea mea pentru fotografia de strada dateaza inca din toamna anului 2004, cand am vizitat New York City. De atunci, nu pot trai fara ea. Am găsit fotografia de strada genul cel mai interesant și mai provocator în fotografie: mergand pe strazi inafara asa numitei „zone de confort” si apropierea de oameni, implicarea in mediul din jurul tau, este o experienta extraordinara si plina de satisfactii.

Q2: Do you have some special place where you felt that you can stay on streets all day long, to capture the moments of the street? 
Ai gasit un loc special, in care sa simti ca ai dori sa stai pe strada toata ziua, pentru a capta momentele strazii?


Light makes me find out places I did not even know before. Once found one, I do go back there and sometimes I do spend an all day long. I look for the combination of people, light and environment.

Lumina speciala ma indeamna sa caut si sa gasesc locuri de care nici macar nu stiam inainte. O data ce am gasit un astfel de loc, ma intorc acolo si uneori petrec in acel loc o intreaga zi. Imi place sa caut combinatia dintre oameni, lumina si locuri.


Q3: Are you approaching streets by selecting a specific topic to follow or are you going by instinct and chase the moment? 
 Cand iesi la fotografiat pe strada, iti alegi un subiect/o tema de urmarit, sau mergi dupa instinct si captezi momentul?

Both, I might want to develop a series/project and in this case I go out and look for what I need. But It takes time to accomplish a project. Or, the topic may come from the situation and the people before me in a very unexpected and unpredictable way.

Lucrez in ambele moduri : cand imi doresc sa dezvolt o series sau un proiect, ma uit dupa ceea ce imi trebuie. Dar dureaza destul de mult timp pana se incheaga un proiect. Sau, in cazul celalalt, subiectul imaginii poate fi generat de situatiile pe care le intalnesc sau de oamenii din fata mea, intr-un mod neasteptat si imprevizibil.

Q4: BW or Color in your street photography? 
 Alb/Negru sau Color in fotografia de strada pe care o abordezi?

I very much love both even if I have been exploring colors lately. I do not believe that one is better than the other. I found out that it is the situation  that suggests me if the photograph will be in color or B&W.

Iubesc ambele variante, chiar daca in ultima vreme am explorat fotografia de strada color. Nu cred ca una este mai buna decat cealalta. Am realizat ca situatia surprinsa este cea care imi sugereaza daca fotografia va fi color sau alb/negru.


Q5: One special story behind one captured scene? 
Ai o poveste speciala in spatele uneia dintre fotografii?

Life in Cuba takes place along the streets where we find a lot of children playing in all corners, be it basketball or football, so I spent few days observing and photographed them. It was a very nice experience.

In Cuba, viata se desfasoara in principal pe strazi, unde sunt o multime de copii care joaca fotbal sau basket la fiecare colt – astfel incat am petrecut cateva zile observand si fotografiind acesti copii. A fost o experienta deosebita.

Andrea Torrei – street photographer from Rome, Italy

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Thank You - Multumim!
" 5 to 10 " by PhotoTeam